
D.R. Part III

More Dominican Republic pics and fun

Anyone want to go to a carnival?
Yeah - I thought not.

The Sexy Fiesta was on the way to the beach. Attention getting, no?

The day at the ranch, which turned out to be the night hour at the ranch. LK did get to ride a horse, but this particular horse was really not feeling much like giving rides. She took off with one of the guys. He had a tough time controlling her. So LK only rode with the guy whose family owns the horse. I rode too, but the horse was fine with me.

We spent a LOT of time with this game. It's called "Find It" or something like that. We had found nearly everything except the penny. It was driving us nuts. Here is evidence we finally found the penny. This is a very good game to take with you on a vacation where you will have a lot of time to kill play with it.

There is a lot of artwork in the D.R. Most of it looks like this. There was one metal sculpture I considered bringing home, but the guy wanted $60 for it. He wasn't willing to cut his price in half, so I left it in the D.R. I've been ok with that decision.

And proof positive that fun was indeed available. How many little girls get to be a sand mermaid? OK, don't answer that, there are probably tons, but it made this little girl happy, and that kind of stuff saved us!

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